How Current Casino Streamers Affect RTP

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lately, too many streamers have divorced, basically for each of them it’s just a business, and not broadcasting their game, so the main part is spinning casino money (candy wrappers). The question is that the casino gives money, and they spin at high stakes and the winnings are often impressive, and this directly affects the return on slots, since he personally noticed that now in the casino, slots can give nothing for months, before at least some more and there were less gains. What do you think about the influence of streamers on RTP?


Greetings! My personal opinion is that the games of some players and their winnings do not affect the winnings or losses of others in any way. Winning at a casino can literally be called chance and luck. Good luck!


I think that when a streamer plays for candy wrappers, this is also displayed by the provider as a game for candy wrappers, because otherwise the casino will have to pay a percentage to the game provider if the streamer loses, and the casino, accordingly, allegedly makes a profit. Therefore, this type of player should not affect the overall return.


You are probably a little confused about how this happens! At the moment, the casino transfers money to the streamer's wallet (like allegedly as a payment for the stream), but here not only the payment for the stream is included, but also the funds for the game. Believe me, streamers with great online will not lose such big money every day, as this is a business. This is neither Vitus or slothunter for you, they have long been a relic. That is, in fact, the streamer is played from the same accounts as us, that is, real ones. So, in this case, they also participate in the formation of RTP.


Completely agree with your opinion. And it is logical that it should get like this - if one player has brought a large amount into the slots, then other players should lose this amount. I would like to know, as soon as this pot is formed: either it depends on the account, or on all the accounts of the players. Or maybe from one slot, or from all? Here you don't know for sure.


in my opinion, all streamers are by default evil for the average player, since the casino spends the advertising budget on them, and not on the players… and it’s impossible to say for sure by the influence of their game on RTP slots, this question can only be accurately answered by being “a stranger among our own” and finding out how it all works.

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