Has anyone tried playing in cryptocurrency casinos?

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Has anyone tried playing in cryptocurrency casinos? They say you can make a lot of money there from price fluctuations. And again, anonymity, no one will burn how much you have played.


No, crypto is all murky. Today there is money, tomorrow there is money, and off you go! I’d rather stay in normal currency.


You're off topic, bro ! Do you know how the cue ball will be trampled? I deposited a couple of coins into the account, came out positive - and here is your profit on the difference in the exchange rate! The main thing here is to identify trends and merge them in time. But you can play not in crypto, but simply make deposits and conclusions in it.


Hmm, sounds interesting. What casinos do you recommend for this topic? So that they are reliable and with a normal output. Otherwise, I’ll make a point, and suddenly they’ll throw money at me.

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