What the hell is going on with this fucking Loft Casino?!

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What the hell is going on with this fucking Loft Casino?! I'm not joking, motherfucker! These bastards really screwed me! So, on April 25th I played all night and made about $1900. And guess what? Those assholes blocked my account! Just like that, without any explanation! I call them, write to them - they give me the cold shoulder. Like, "we're conducting an investigation." What the hell, an investigation?! I won this money honestly! I have screenshots, game recordings - I have everything!


Dear user, we have received your complaint regarding Loft Casino. To begin our investigation we will need the following information: 1. Your login to Loft Casino 2. Screenshots of correspondence with Loft Casino support Please send this information via private message. We will immediately begin to look into the situation.


I sent you everything I have in a personal message. It's a complete layout. I'll glorify those bastards from Loft Casino so much that they'll bite their elbows!


Thank you for the materials provided. We are starting to study them and investigate the situation.


And yes, I dug into their rules. It turns out that they have written in fine print that they can "suspend payments if there is a suspicion of unfair play." But I played fair! It's them, the bitches, who play unfairly!


We have good news: Loft Casino has unblocked your account. Loft Casino issued an official apology and explained that their security system had given a false positive due to a large win. They acknowledged the error in communication with you and promised to improve their procedures.


Now that's a different story! But you know what? I'll believe all this only when I see money in my account. You're doing something important.


Problem solved. Thank you!

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