"the problem will solve itself"

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Hi guys! Hope you are doing great! I had a little trouble with Joya casino and I would like to share this story. Maybe you can help or at least laugh with me at this circus Anyway, this is how it happened. Last week I decided to try my luck at the slots on Joya . Everything was going great, I even won a small amount - about 300 bucks. Well, I thought, it's time to withdraw the money and treat my friends to cocktails! I pressed the withdrawal button, and then the fun began... Nothing works and I can't withdraw. A week! I've already refreshed the page, logged out and logged in, and even rebooted my old laptop (I thought maybe it decided to rebel). But no, Joya just went into hibernation. Well, okay, I thought, it happens, technology is a capricious thing. I wrote to support. And here the most "fun" began. The first operator advised me to... clear the browser cache! Seriously? In 2024, this is still universal advice? When that didn't help, the second operator suggested I install their mobile app. But guess what? The app didn't work either! And the third one advised me to wait a couple of days, saying "the problem will solve itself."


Hello! First we need more information: 1. Your login or email in the casino 2. Joya support ? We will definitely contact Joya Casino to find out the reasons for the technical failure and inadequate response of their support service.


Hi! Thanks for replying so quickly. I was beginning to think everyone in the gambling world had gone crazy. I sent you everything I have in a PM And you know what's the funniest thing? This morning I received a letter from Joya offering an "exclusive bonus for a favorite player." Favorite, yeah! So much so that they won't even let you in Do you think they even understand what's going on there? Or do they have a strategy of "the main thing is that the player doesn't get bored"?


While we wait for a response from Joya , could you check if there are any changes in access to your account? Sometimes after mass requests from players, casinos quickly fix problems.


Still the same problem


We have good news: the technical glitch in the casino has been fixed and you can withdraw your funds. Please let me know – did you manage to withdraw your money?


Yes, ok ! Now it works and the output is in process. Thank you!

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