I'm reaching out to you with a serious issue I encountered at LeoVegas.

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I'm reaching out to you with a serious issue I encountered at LeoVegas. My experience began about a month ago when I decided to try my luck in blackjack. Over a few days of playing, I managed to win a significant amount - $1000. However, when I requested a withdrawal, problems started. Initially, they told me that my account needed verification, which is a standard procedure. I provided all the necessary documents: a passport scan, utility bill, a photo of my credit card, and a bank statement. But after that, I was informed that additional proof of my address was required. I sent a bank statement, but then my account was blocked without explaining the reasons. I've contacted customer support several times, but I only received generic responses without specifics. It seems to me like an intentional delay in payment. I would like to understand what further steps I should take to resolve this situation.


Hello! Thank you for reaching out. We understand your concern. We will need your login and email to begin the investigation. Also, to better understand the situation, could you clarify the responses you received from the casino? If you have any screenshots, please send them along with your login in private messages. Support Team Casinos In Canada


I sent a passport scan, utility bill, a photo of the credit card, and a bank statement. In response from the casino, I received only general phrases about the need for additional verification, but without specific indications of what exactly is wrong with my documents. I have sent you my login.


Understood. We will start the investigation and contact LeoVegas to clarify the details. We will try to expedite the verification process and the unlocking of your account. Support Team Casinos In Canada


Admin We have contacted LeoVegas and discussed your case. They reported certain issues with document verification due to address discrepancies. They ask you to provide an additional document confirming your current address. Support Team Casinos In Canada


I have already sent all possible documents. But okay, I will find another document. I will inform you once I send it.


I sent an additional document with my address to your messages. I even took a photo against the background of my home address and the view from the window to the same place... It's even funny. I hope this helps expedite the process.


Thank you for the update. We will forward this information to LeoVegas and continue to monitor the situation. Support Team Casinos In Canada


We are pleased to inform you that your account has been successfully verified, and LeoVegas has confirmed that your payment will be processed within the next 24 hours. The casino apologizes for the inconvenience and appreciates your patience. Support Team Casinos In Canada


Finally, some good news! Thank you for your help. I will wait for the payment.


Everything worked out. Thanks again!


https://casinosincanada.com/community/forum/forum2/topic916/ MikeCollins

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