Won big with my last money, need to quit

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For at least 3 YEARS I played in the casinos every day. Seriously not missing one day… Now I have probably gambled away $50,000 or maybe even more. Definitely, my financial situation has become terrible. Thank God, I never took any bank loans and also my all bills are paid on time. The rest is off to the casinos. Three days ago, I finally won over $10,000. I was happy and promised myself I would never play again but of course the next day, I did not withdraw but started to gamble with $50 again. The luck was on my side this time and I could raise all to the $25,000 and those money I actually withdrew. I am trying now not to cancel my withdrawal again as it is not yet processed from the casino’s side. I really want to quit gambling…


find a hobby, go in for sports. This will help produce endorphins and other hormones of joy, stimulate the pleasure centre. It is necessary to restore the biochemistry of the brain, destroyed by vicious cravings.


Was the same with me. I could not stop gambling away my winnings. As soon as you find enough strength in himself, you should take on more obligations - one more job, volunteering. Everything that will restore self-confidence and reconnect with reality.


Go a month without playing, two months, then three - the further you go, the more your connection with the game will weaken.


Through the banking application, limit the amount of money spent per month. In order to somehow spend less money on casino cases, try playing different games, where you can periodically drain the in-game currency for all sorts of Persians, equipment, etc.

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