This damn OlympusBet casino has scammed me!

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I'm furious!!! This damn OlympusBet casino has scammed me! I won over $15,000 on their slots, and now these bastards refuse to pay me! It's been 2 weeks since I requested a withdrawal, and I still haven't received my money! Every time I try to contact customer support, they either feed me excuses or completely ignore me! This is just insane! How dare they treat players like this?! I've lost so much money in this casino, and now, when I finally get lucky, they decide to screw me over! Damn it, I won't let this slide! If I don't get my money, I'll sue them to hell! I hate this damn casino, may it burn in hell!!! Please help me get my winnings back, I beg you!


Hello. We understand your frustration with the situation at OlympusBet casino. Let's delve into the problem in more detail. Please specify the date of your withdrawal request, the amount and currency of your winnings, as well as the method you attempted to use for withdrawal. Also, provide your login at the casino so we can identify your account. We'll do our best to help you resolve this issue.

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

Damn, okay, let me check the details. I requested a withdrawal on May 3 for $15,350. I tried to withdraw to my Visa account, from which I always deposited into this casino. My login at OlympusBet is warcrime88. I hope you can shake them up and get my damn money back! I don't know what to do anymore, I'll soon have to go begging on the streets if I don't get my winnings back... Waiting for your help!


Thank you for providing the information. We have opened a case for your complaint and started the investigation. First, we will contact OlympusBet to clarify the situation regarding your $15,350 withdrawal requested on May 3. We'll try to find out the reasons for the delay and expedite the payment of your funds. We will keep you informed of any progress in resolving this issue.

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

Alright, I'll wait for your updates. I hope you can knock some sense into those bastards at OlympusBet! I'm tired of these scam casinos that refuse to pay out honestly earned winnings! Keep me updated on the investigation. Damn scammers and cheats!


We have already sent a request to OlympusBet, outlining the essence of your complaint and requesting an official comment from the casino. They usually respond within 48 hours. Once we receive a response from them, we'll immediately inform you. If there is no response from them, we will address the issue through other channels of influence. In any case, we are on your side and intend to achieve a fair outcome.

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

Thank you! I really hope you can set those assholes at OlympusBet straight. I'm already on edge because of this shit. I'll be waiting for your updates. I believe in you!


We have received a response from OlympusBet regarding your $15,350 withdrawal request. They stated that your account was temporarily blocked by security due to suspicious activity. Specifically, they refer to a large number of multi-accounts registered from your IP address, which is a violation of the casino's rules. We have requested further information and evidence from OlympusBet regarding the presence of other accounts. We have also demanded clear justification for the blockage of your account and the refusal to pay out. We await their prompt response.

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

What do they mean by suspicious activity? What other multi-accounts? I've always played fr om just one account - warcrime88. I've never registered any others. Maybe it's my neighbor who also plays at the casino, we share the same IP. But what does it have to do with me? I honestly won this money, I haven't done anything wrong. I can't believe they're suspecting me of something. Wh ere is this world heading... I hope you can convince OlympusBet of my innocence and honesty.


We have requested specific evidence from OlympusBet to prove that other accounts registered from your IP indeed belong to you. If they cannot provide compelling arguments, they will have no grounds to continue the blockage.

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

We have important news for you, Warcrime. We have received a detailed response from OlympusBet regarding your situation. They admitted that their security service acted too hastily in blocking your account. After additional checks, they found no substantial evidence that other accounts from your IP belong to you. The casino apologized for the inconvenience caused and informed that your account warcrime88 has been unblocked. They are ready to process the payment of your $15,350 winnings within the next 24 hours. The money will be sent to your Visa account specified in the profile. We are pleased that we were able to achieve justice and a positive outcome in your favor. We hope that there will be no more issues with the payout. Please let us know when you receive your funds. If anything goes wrong, be sure to inform us. We will continue to monitor the situation until your withdrawal is successfully completed.

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

Wow, these are excellent news! I'm thrilled that they lifted my block, and finally, I'll be able to receive my honest winnings! Thank you so much for your help, CasinosInCanada! I couldn't have done it without you.


The money has finally arrived! This morning I checked my Visa account, and my $15,350 winnings are already there. I can't express how happy and grateful I am to you, CasinosInCanada!


We're glad that your problem has been successfully resolved, and you've finally received your winnings!

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

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