Bet Victor blocked my account without any explanation

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This is a complete nightmare! Bet Victor blocked my account without any explanation! I had $350 in my balance and I didn’t break anything! This is just robbery! Can anyone help me figure out this situation?!


Hello. We're sorry to hear about your bad experience with Bet. Victor . To help you, we'll need a little more information. Please provide your login or email address that you used when registering at the casino. If you have additional details or screenshots that could help in the investigation, please send them to us in private messages. Support team Casinos In Canada

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

Sent! I really don't understand why they blocked me. All my bets were fair and I always followed the rules. Here is a screenshot of my latest balance and the games I played.


Thanks for the information provided. We will begin an investigation and contact Bet Victor to find out why your account was blocked. Support team Casinos In Canada

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

Hello. We contacted Bet Victor and found out that your account was temporarily blocked due to suspicions of fraud. However, after further inspection, they did not find any violations. They apologize for the inconvenience and promise to unblock your account in the next 24 hours. Support team Casinos In Canada

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

Yes, I have already accessed it. I was so upset and worried about my money. I hope this doesn't happen again. Thanks again for your help!


No problem. We were glad to help. If you have any more questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. Good luck in your games! Support team Casinos In Canada

paid 50 USD
our debt 480 USD

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